Certifications, accreditations & memberships


ISO 9001

ISO 9001 is an international standard that records the general principles and requirements of a quality control system. An organisation can acquire an ISO 9001-certificate if an external and authorised organisation conducts an audit and, on the basis of this audit, determines that the standard’s requirements are met.

ISO 14001

ISO 14001 is a standard in the field of environment management. By means of an environment management system according to ISO 14001, the environmental risks of operational management can be controlled and reduced, if possible.

ISO 17020

ISO 17020 is an inspection body accreditation. It includes all activities performed by an inspection body, including examining products and equipment, processes, procedures, services, and determines their overall conformity and accurate reporting of results.

ISO 19650

ISO 19650 is an international standard for managing information over the whole life cycle of a built asset using building information modelling (BIM).

ISO 45001

ISO 45001 is an international standard for health and safety at work developed by national and international standards committees independent of government.

Accreditations & Memberships


Achilles is a Pre-Qualification Questionnaire Portal that Clients sign up to and request their contractors/designers to fill in questionnaires specific to the Client.  Clients can also use it as an onboarding system for their finance department.  They also undertake UVDB audits which is a requirement for working in the Water industry.

Armed Forces Covenant

This vital Covenant was signed in September 2021 by Max Joy, Sweco’s UK & Ireland president, who previously served as Lt Col in the Corps of Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers. More information here.

Business Disability Forum

We are one of over 500 of the UK’s largest businesses, global brands, public sector employers and SMEs are Members or Partners of Business Disability Forum, benefiting from access to expert advice and support, knowledge and resources and opportunities to share best practice with others.  


Sweco holds Gold membership on Constructionline, which is a register for pre-qualified consultants and contractors used within the construction industry, working in turn to enhanced PAS91 criteria.


Sweco holds RISQS accreditation which is a single common qualification process and supplier database designed specifically for buyers and suppliers to the rail industry.


SMAS Worksafe (Safety Management Advisory Services) is a nationally recognised Health & Safety accreditation used to demonstrate an organisation’s Health & Safety standards, giving main contractors confidence when it comes to  its competence.


SSIP (Safety Schemes in Procurement) is not an accreditation in and of itself. SSIP, as an organisation, collates several different health and safety schemes and combines them to create a single accreditation process.