Data Analytics Advisory Services

Sweco provides data and analytics advisory services to help clients realise the maximum value from their data and associated technology investments. At every turn, we help clients understand and gain insight into asset performance to improve asset planning decisions, capital delivery design and operation and maintenance activities.

Complete data analysis capabilities

Our capabilities extend to data migration, cleansing and restructuring for improved analysis, data standards for compliance and quality auditing as well as data analytics/presentation. With a background in real-time information and associated process control, we have the right skills to exploit artificial intelligence and robotic process automation to improve ways of working as well as making data-driven decisions.

A long-standing background in real-time information and associated process control has given us key skills to exploit Artificial Intelligence and Robotic Process Automation to improve ways of working and data-driven decisions.

The Sweco service portfolio is truly holistic – our expertise covers engineering, economics, treatment processes and Information Technology, which means we have a unique bird’s eye perspective when it comes to decision-making in all aspects of the asset management lifecycle.

Mike Taylor Operations Director


Together with our clients and the collective knowledge of our 22,000 engineers, consultants and other specialists, we co-create solutions to address urbanisation, capture the power of digitalisation, and make our societies more sustainable.​ With international multi-disciplinary teams, we can call on the right insight and technical capability at the right time from across Buildings, Infrastructure, Advisory & Planning and Compliance.​