Business Ethics

At Sweco, we care about society. Read how we ensure we operate ethically in all our markets.

It should be easy to do business with Sweco. We do not have a small group of executives who maintain all key client contacts. Rather, it is our 17,500 employees in their day-to-day meetings with clients who each assume major responsibility for their specific assignments.

This creates a great deal of flexibility. It also places considerable demands on our working procedures. To ensure that Sweco operates ethically in all its markets, we have a robust set of business ethics policies and guidelines in place that apply to all employees.

To read about Sweco’s various policies, such as Business Ethics, Anti-Bribery, Corruption, Gifts & Entertainment, please click here.

Procedures for responsible business practices

All of Sweco’s operations are required to comply with applicable laws and regulations, just as they must comply with Sweco’s internal policies and guidelines. All employees are responsible for familiarising themselves and complying with these policies and guidelines.

Business ethics underpin Sweco’s entire operations. Our Leadership Team meeting agendas include a mandatory item on business ethics. CSR risks are reported on a quarterly basis to the Sweco Board of Directors.

Business ethics relates to how we do business, how we behave towards one another, how we manage the organisation’s resources, and how we act in relation to our external environment. Having a well-articulated business ethics compass in place is essential to Sweco’s ability to conduct its assignments. All Sweco colleagues undergo business ethics training.

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