A63 Castle Street
Sweco was commissioned as part of the Sweco Mott MacDonald joint venture to undertake an Environmental Assessment and outline landscape design for the redevelopment of a 1.5km section of the existing A63 through Hull city centre. The project sought to improve traffic congestion, road safety, access to the Port of Hull and tourist and recreation facilities through the widening of the road, the creation of a new split-level junction and introduction of two new bridges.
- Client
- Highways England
- Dates
- 2018
Project story
Sweco was commissioned as part of the Sweco Mott MacDonald joint venture to undertake an Environmental Assessment and outline landscape design for the redevelopment of a 1.5km section of the existing A63 through Hull city centre. The project seeks to improve traffic congestion, road safety, access to the Port of Hull and tourist and recreation facilities through the widening of the road, the creation of a new split-level junction and introduction of two new bridges.
The landscape team were appointed as part of a multi-disciplinary team, to carry out a landscape and visual impact assessment for the scheme and produce an outline landscape masterplan. A key element of the mitigation of the scheme is the introduction of semi-mature tree planting and natural stone paving within the Old Town Conservation Area. In addition to this a new public open space is proposed to create a buffer between the highway and residential properties, which includes: mounding; semi-mature tree and ornamental planting; and areas of wildflower meadow.
The proposed scheme impacts upon the historic Trinity Burial ground which has been sensitively reconfigured to include a formal network of paths with interpretation boards, wildflower meadows and semi-mature tree planting.

Key Services
- Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment
- Outline Design
- Ecology & Habitat Creation
- Parks and Open Space
- Transport
- Urban Regeneration
- Public Realm