Brick By Brick


Brick by Brick Croydon Limited


Croydon Borough, London

Contract Value

2017 – Present

Key Services

Transport Assessment, Swept Path Analysis, Travel Planning, Waste Storage, Delivery and Servicing Plans, Construction Management Plans

Our Guide To The UNSDG goals

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Project Overview

Working with Brick by Brick Croydon Ltd, Sweco is helping to provide high-quality and affordable housing developments on a range of sites across this London borough.

The Challenge

Brick by Brick Croydon Limited is a property development company formed by Croydon Council, which is providing affordable housing on 90 sites across the borough. The planned developments claimed the Unbuilt Housing Award at the New London Architecture Awards in 2017.

Sweco’s transport planners are currently advising on the feasibility of over 20 sites, which range in size from 7 to 102 new residential units.

Sweco’s advice is key in the development of each scheme design. We produce the technical reports required to help gain planning permission, demonstrating minimal cumulative traffic impact. We also demonstrate how servicing and deliveries could be made safely and provided advice on a waste storage. Working closely with Brick by Brick, our team provides local insight regarding current and potential transport conditions and an appreciation and understanding of the need to balance sustainable transport links with car parking provision.

Sweco is also providing mechanical and electrical engineering, civil engineering and environmental advice, including EIAs, air quality and noise impact studies.

“We are happy to be working with Sweco on this important residential development programme that will transform the availability of housing in Croydon. The work undertaken by Sweco will ensure our projects are designed with efficiency and sustainability in mind and provide a fantastic place to live for the residents.”

Colm Lacey, Managing Director & CEO, Brick by Brick

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