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Scottish Highlands

Highland Wind Farm Feasibility Studies

Sweco was appointed by Atmos Consulting Ltd to carry out four separate Landscape and Visual Feasibility Studies for proposed wind farms in the Scottish Highlands.

Facts & Figures

Atmos Consulting Ltd
2017 – 2018

Our Solution

Our feasibility studies identified the landscape and visual factors which would affect the suitability of a wind farm on this site. This included the consideration of data which concerned landscape planning policies, landscape character and areas of landscape and scenic value and visibility.

In response to the landscape and visual issues identified for each proposal, wind farm design objectives were established which guided the assessment of different siting and design options. This was informed by tools such as computer-generated wireframe images and Zones of Theoretical Visibility (ZTV) maps. This process included consideration of alternative wind turbine sizes, models and layouts, in addition to other constraints such as wind resource and slope.

Potential cumulative effects with other existing, consented and proposed wind farms were an important factor for all the studies, influencing the landscape capacity to accommodate a new wind farm and compatibility of siting and design. Each study concluded with recommendations for the most suitable wind farm siting and design, providing advice on further mitigation and associated risk.

Key Services

  • Landscape and Visual Feasibility Studies
  • Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment
  • Outline Design

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