Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) & Placemaking
Queensland Gardens, Glasgow
Sweco was appointed to reduce surface water flooding by freeing up capacity in the sewer network and delivery of Sustainable Urban Drainage Solutions, whilst also improving public green infrastructure and ‘sense of place’ within a residential area in Queensland Gardens south-west of Glasgow City Centre. The site consisted of mown grass and scattered trees. Standing water was common within the grounds during the winter.
Key expertise provided
- SuDS consultancy & design
- Placemaking consultancy
- Visualisation
- Outline design
- Detailed design
- Stakeholder engagement
- Ecology & habitat creation
- Landscape management planning
Natural water management
Within this project Sweco carried out flood risk assessment, completed drainage catchment analysis and designed new blue-green features comprising of an attenuation basin and swales around two blocks of flats. The design was based on community consultation, which was a key to developing a design sympathetic to the concerns of residents. A community consultation event gave residents an opportunity to comment on proposals and provide the design team with a greater understanding of the current issues and the uses of the space.
In addition to consultations with the key stakeholders, Scottish Water, Scottish National Heritage, Glasgow CC, SEPA, Glasgow Central Green Network, Scottish and Southern Electric and Network Rail, we engaged with Southside Housing Association (SHA) who instigated a side-by-side community led project for further investment into car parking and landscaping across the site.
We assisted with their successful bid for Green Infrastructure Funding which utilised matched funding to the SWMP project. We have co-designed with their landscape architects and other bodies such as the 10,000 Raingardens projects to produce the combined project that is being proposed as an exemplar SWMP which has achieved Building with Nature Excellent accreditation. This approach resulted in a planning application incorporating both projects which was accepted with minor queries.
Wider placemaking design
From a landscape architecture point of view, Sweco’s team were responsible for the landscape design associated with the basin and swales across the site, working closely with our Water team in developing designs that would create a natural effect within the SuDS features. Planting mixes were selected that would be appropriate to the location accommodating the constraints of a wetland environment whilst providing amenity value and complimenting the wider landscape within the area. Consultation was a key part of our involvement and we prepared visualisations that explained the scheme from a SuDS and Landscape perspective to the local residents and stakeholders.
Our experience of working with our colleagues in the Water team allowed us to quickly overcome technical challenges within the design and create a landscape solution that would meet the housing association Client requirements.
Southside Housing Association has successfully demonstrated compliance with the Building with Nature Standards for the Queensland Court & Gardens green infrastructure project.