Mobility Management Plan for Viatris Pharmaceuticals
Project Overview
Sweco prepared a Mobility Management Plan (MMP) for an existing overflow car parking facility which services the Viatris Pharmaceutical Manufacturing facility in Cork. The plan discharged a condition of the planning permission granted for the re-configuration of the existing car park along with addition of a number of new spaces. The planning application submitted by Viatris (Upjohn) had sought approval for 38 parking spaces to service existing needs, however permission was granted for 29 parking spaces only.
The MMP was prepared as a transportation demand management tool for the site, with the long-term objective of reducing single occupancy car use where possible and increasing the awareness and attractiveness of other modes of transport where practicable This plan was developed in the context of the 2019 Little Island Transportation Study published by Cork City Council and Cork Metropolitan Area Transport Study (CMATS) published by Cork City and County Council.
Specific targets were included in the MMP which took account of future potential improvements in sustainable transport infrastructure over and above those currently in operation in the local area. The focus was on maximising all transport modes and creating a live MMP that would be monitored and evaluated periodically. The MMP was approved by Cork County Council and the condition discharged.
Primary Services
- Transport planning
- Planning compliance