
West End Green

A mixed use development including 652 new homes, 126 affordable homes and accommodation arranged across a series of mansion blocks with a 30-storey tower element at the south end of the site, 7 commercial retail spaces (including restaurants/shops and a cinema), office space, high quality public realm and residents garden.

Facts & Figures

Paddington, London
Ramboll Environ (appointed by Berkeley Homes)
Acoustic Assessment and Design
Square and Partners

Project story

Sweco was commissioned to prepare an ES Noise and Vibration Chapter for the WEG development; followed by a design stage appointment. Following the acquisition of the adjacent site in December 2015, a review of the first ES Chapter was undertaken to include this land. Sweco was involved in the preparation of the ES Chapter for the development, as well as in the design stage of the internal and external building fabric of the development.

West End Green

Key services

  • Baseline noise and vibration surveys for the ES Chapter preparation
  • Software modelling and assessment of site’s suitability for residential purposes
  • External building fabric assessment and proposal of construction solutions to comply with required internal noise levels and external noise levels in amenity areas
  • Internal building fabric assessment and proposal of separating walls and floors, and internal partitions within spaces
  • Recommendations on acoustic absorption in common areas