Transport Planning Consultancy

Transport is central to providing access to opportunities, supporting growth and creating more sustainable environments. Our transport planning consultancy experts understand the need to respond to the demands of people, places and movement to deliver better transport networks, smarter links and ‘sharable’ streets that improve the quality of life for everyone.

Full support for any type of project

Sweco’s vision is to transform society. For us, that means focusing on people, understanding the challenges and developing schemes which will improve lives as well as realise strategic ambitions.  Our transport team work closely with clients and stakeholders to provide strategic advice and planning support to help enhance connectivity, grow the economy, reduce inequality, protect the environment and improve health and wellbeing.

Our client-focused approach has made us a market leader in transport advisory and planning, and our vast cross-sector expertise means we can provide a full range of services for any requirement including:

Effective transport planning helps to connect communities, make travel easier and create better streets for people.

Our services cover the development of transport policy and strategy, site feasibility, public transport viability, walk and cycle network requirements, multi-modal corridor studies, engagement and consultation planning, and impact analysis of new development ranging from standalone sites to major growth associated with Local Plans and area-wide Masterplans.

The team combine their extensive experience and understanding of good practice principles and methodologies to provide strategic advice and planning covering all modes of transport. By working closely with wider Sweco teams we are able to provide holistic advice covering buildings, asset management, energy, carbon, environment, drainage and engineering to help realise our client’s ambitions.

Together with our clients and the collective knowledge of our engineers, consultants and other specialists, we co-create solutions to address urbanisation, capture the power of digitalisation, and make our societies more sustainable.​ With international multi-disciplinary teams, we can call on the right insight and technical capability at the right time from across Buildings, Infrastructure, Advisory & Planning and Compliance.​