Protected Species Surveys & Licensing

Sweco’s team of experienced and qualified ecologists and botanists have a wealth of experience in protected species surveys and licensing. We hold survey licences for a wide range of protected species, including great crested newt, bats, badger, otter, water vole, and hazel dormouse. We also have an excellent track record of obtaining protected species mitigation licences for our clients.

We understand that protected species surveys and licensing can be complex and time-consuming, but they are essential to ensure that development projects are carried out in line with legislation. Our team of ecology consultants can help you to navigate the process and ensure that your project achieves the best possible outcomes for both biodiversity and your scheme.

Under the Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2017, as well as the Wildlife & Countryside Act 1981, many species are listed as ‘protected’ by law. Before any development commences – at planning application stage – it is critical that surveys are carried out to the required standards in order to determine whether protected species are present, whether the site is rural or within the built environment. Penalties are in place for any organisation that disturb or harm protected species.

Our core protected species services

Protected Species Surveys

  • Protected plant survey
  • Invertebrate survey
  • White clawed crayfish survey
  • Great crested newt survey
  • Great crested newt eDNA survey
  • Reptile survey
  • Barn owl survey
  • Breeding bird survey
  • Wintering bird survey
  • Bat survey
  • Badger survey
  • Otter survey
  • Water vole survey
  • Red squirrel survey
  • Pine marten survey
  • Hazel dormouse survey

Protected Species Mitigation Licences

  • Great crested newt district level licence
  • Great crested newt low impact licence
  • Great crest newt mitigation licence
  • Bat mitigation licence
  • Bat mitigation class licence (a.k.a. bat low impact class licence)
  • Badger mitigation licence
  • Otter mitigation licence

Our focus is on helping clients meet their compliance and sustainability obligations in tandem. Through a complete spectrum of ecological consultancy specialisms, we can advise and act on biodiversity plans in the round, support net gain efforts, promote natural capital protection (and enhancement), address wildlife/habitat conservation challenges and help implement optimum blue/green infrastructures.

Richard Webber-Salmon Principal Ecologist at Sweco

Our pragmatic approach to protected species surveys and mitigation means that we let you know as early as possible what surveys are required, when they need to happen, and what impact those surveys and any mitigation measures will have on your project timescales. We pride ourselves on working with clients to ensure that surveys are undertaken as efficiently as possible to avoid unnecessary cost and delay.

FREE Download: Sweco Ecology Calendar

Our exclusive ecology calendar is designed to help clients with project planning throughout the year. Each calendar allows you to uncover vital data at the right times – for example Protected Species Surveys are best undertaken at certain times of the year, and can vary according to the species concerned and the type of survey required. Download the full FREE calendar here.




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