Heritage & Archaeology Consultancy Services

Our heritage consultants and historic environment experts offer comprehensive services including archaeology, historic buildings advisory, settings assessments for heritage assets, and landscape consulting. We can in turn assist with community engagement, planning applications, design optioneering & development, placemaking strategies, feasibility & EIA Technical Chapters, compliance audits, and land use negotiations throughout the planning process.

The heritage assets which make up the historic environment are some of our most precious resources. Understanding and respecting those assets, and the place they hold in our evolving society, is key to setting a responsible and sustainable path into the future. Innovation in how we manage, preserve and experience the historic environment is critical to safeguarding the enduring value of our collective past and allows us to enhance the benefits they provide.

Andrew Reid Historic Environment Lead

Your trusted heritage partner

Our team has vast experience of working on a wide range of projects across the UK. Our principal focus lies in delivering high quality development in a sustainable and collaborative and proportionate way which ensures all components of the historic environment are properly understood and managed.

At its heart, our expertise centres around the protection of cultural DNA – not only in terms of preserving history, but more importantly in ensuring people are able to directly connect with the heritage and identity of the places where they live and work, as part of society’s evolution.

Our Heritage consultancy team have worked across the UK on renewable energy projects including solar and onshore wind, on large linear infrastructure schemes, on utilities projects and mixed-use developments. They have provided expert advice and assistance on sites with substantial archaeological remains and development is proposed within the setting of designated heritage assets of the highest significance.

Our core expertise

  • Archaeological desk-based assessment
  • Settings assessments for heritage assets
  • EIA Technical Chapters
  • Land use consultancy/due diligence
  • Heritage Statements
  • Masterplanning advisory
  • Heritage Impact Assessments
  • Environmental statements
  • Scheduled monument consent
  • Listed building consent
  • Design advice
  • Input into feasibility studies
  • Mitigation strategies
  • Statutory consultee engagement
  • Pre-planning advice
  • Written schemes of investigation
  • Archaeological mitigation strategy
  • Conservation management planning

Our heritage consultants can also provide expert oversight on all elements of archaeological fieldwork from geophysics through to set piece excavation at any stage of the planning process either pre-determination to support an application or by way of discharging a planning condition.

We can advise on procurement of archaeological contractors through to reporting strategies enabling well-managed projects which deliver on quality, cost and to programme.

When is heritage consultancy needed?

Heritage consultancy is required at all stages of the development process, from initial due diligence at site selection stage through to managing excavations undertaken as part of a condition of planning permission.

There are clear benefits to engaging early with heritage specialists to ensure any heritage assets which could be affected by development can be appropriately managed, preserved or enhanced.

Our heritage consultants can assist with planning applications through the provision of supporting documentation and consultation with stakeholders, both statutory and non-statutory, and with the management and procurement of archaeological fieldwork appropriate to the site and significance of any heritage assets.

Benefits of heritage consultancy

  • Robust assessments for planning applications
  • Innovative design solutions to preserve and enhance heritage assets as part of sustainable development
  • Effective cost, programme and consent risk management for developments
  • Incorporating social value and heritage benefits into schemes

Cultural connection

The Historic Environment has a crucial role to play in connecting people to a location’s cultural heritage and delivering high quality social value.

We work with planners, architects and design teams to explore creative solutions which have heritage at the heart of development plans and placemaking visions while also helping to manage risks to programme, budget and consent through early engagement and proactive consultation with statutory bodies.

We can also assist on critical project touchpoints such as pre-application and design advice, documents to accompany the consenting process and with the management of the discharge of planning conditions.

Together with our clients and the collective knowledge of our 22,000 engineers, consultants and other specialists, we co-create solutions to address urbanisation, capture the power of digitalisation, and make our societies more sustainable.​ With international multi-disciplinary teams, we can call on the right insight and technical capability at the right time from across Buildings, Infrastructure, Advisory & Planning and Compliance.​