Biosolids & Sludge Management

Sweco works with universities, water boards and government bodies across Europe to develop and assess new sludge treatment technologies with a view to reducing costs. We have delivered several major advanced anaerobic digestion plants in the UK to maximise biogas/energy production.

Complete biosolids & sludge lifecycle expertise

Through cross border collaboration, Sweco offers alternative biosolids management solutions utilising European innovation including the energy efficient and low chemical consuming DEMON® and SHARON® liquor treatment technologies and InDENSE® that increases process throughput and performance. Sweco holds the European Licence for the following sludge related technologies:

SHARON® (Single reactor system for High activity Ammonium Removal Over Nitrite) is a sewage treatment process used for the removal of ammonia and organic nitrogen components from wastewater flow streams. The process results in stable nitrite formation, rather than complete oxidation to nitrate.

DEMON® is a continuous or SBR de-ammonification process that partly converts ammonia to nitrate and then converts the remaining ammonia and nitrate into nitrogen gas. The process uses only 40% of energy compared to conventional biological treatment systems and does not require an external carbon source.

InDENSE® that can be integrated into any existing plant, increases process throughput and performance through the selection of dense sludge aggregates with improved settling rates and the promotion of enhanced biological phosphorus removal.

In addition, we also advise European Water Boards and UK water utilities on bio-resource recovery technologies and we have advised on phosphorus and cellulose recovery schemes. We view carbon dioxide gas, bioplastics and alginate as future revenue generating opportunities.

We’re constantly pushing the boundaries for sludge cracking, seeking alternative processes to incineration and maximising biogas production. With our full spectrum of water and energy management expertise, we have successfully delivered several biomethane upgrade plants for gas-to-grid solutions.

Harold Buckland Technical Director


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