Resilience and Adaptation

Resilience – and its role in society – is Sweco’s focus theme for 2023. Throughout the year our experts from around the world will come together to develop and share reports and ideas across our exclusive Urban Insight knowledge platform. Below, you’ll find insights from our planners, designers and engineers here in the UK – alongside insights and resources from our global subject matter specialists.


Did you know…

  1. Every year, an estimated 26 million people are pushed into poverty by natural disasters.
  2. A hazard rarely strikes alone. Resilience refers to the ability of systems to be robust and adaptable to changing conditions. Its about short-term adaptation and long-term transition.
  3. Biodiversity loss and ecosystem collapse are viewed as the fastest deteriorating global risks over the next decade.
  4. The energy supply crisis, the cost-of-living crisis, rising inflation, the food supply crisis and cyber attacks on critical infrastructure are among the top risks for 2023 with the greatest potential impact on global scale, according to World Economic Forum Global Risks Perception Survey 2022-2023.


The search for resilience in a world of polycrisis

Today, disasters cause around 300 billion dollars in economic losses annually. If we account for impacts on well-being, the total is closer to 520 billion dollars. In our latest FREE Urban Insight report, “The search for resilience in a world of polycrises”, Sweco is addresses resilience, global risks and the required actions to plan and design resilient communities.


Sustainability Goals at Sweco

Sweco works actively with the 17 goals for sustainable development, and contributes to most of the agenda’s 169 targets in client projects. This is confirmed by the results from Sweco’s employee survey, expanded in 2022 to cover the entire organisation, where 15,500 employees responded that all of the 17 global goals are to varying extents relevant for their work at Sweco and in client projects.

Sweco has identified five goals as the most business-critical to the company’s operations, and those that Sweco as expert advisor has the greatest opportunity to influence in creating a more sustainable future together with its clients.

  1. Goal 6: Clean water and sanitation
  2. Goal 7: Sustainable energy for all
  3. Goal 9: Sustainable industry, innovation, and infrastructure for all
  4. Goal 11: Promote development of sustainable cities and societies
  5. Goal 13: Climate action

Read our guide to this and other UNSDG goals