N25 Midleton to Carrogtoholl Dual Carriageway Upgrade


Cork County Council & Transport Infrastructure Ireland


Cork, Ireland


Jan 2020 – 2022


€ 1,200,000

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Project Overview

Sweco was appointed by the Cork County Council (CCC) and Transport Infrastructure Ireland (TII) to provide transport and environmental engineering services for this scheme which is of both national and regional importance. The purpose of the scheme is to provide an improved transport infrastructure on the N25 between Carrigtohill, Midleton and on to Cork.

The N25 National Primary Road links Rosslare Europort with Cork City via Waterford City. On a local level it provides a corridor for commuters accessing Cork City from the towns of Carrigtohill, Cobh and Midleton. The existing N25 between Carrigtohill and Midleton is of a lower standard than the rest of the Cork to Midleton route. This section comprises approximately 5km of dual carriageway with a speed limit of 100km/h. The layout involving at-grade junctions and local accesses, some of which include breaks in the central reservation, creates safety hazards.

Sweco is currently taking the project through a route selection process which includes environmental, geotechnical, traffic, highway and drainage engineering. Options costing and risk management as well as public consultation are all integral to the project.

The project has been led by the consultants in our Cork office with support from our colleagues in Scotland.

Primary Services

  • Highway Engineering
  • Traffic Engineering
  • Environmental Engineering
  • Drainage Design
  • Geotechnical Engineering
  • Procurement
  • Project Management
N25 Midleton to Carrogtoholl Dual Carriageway Upgrade

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