Net zero for businesses: Creating and implementing an organisational strategy
In a rapidly changing climate, actions taken by businesses, public bodies and institutions on a local scale are crucial for the success of mitigation and adaptation efforts globally. Identifying, implementing and monitoring net zero activities within and across organisations can be challenging, but also presents significant opportunities for growth.
As an internationally recognised, science-based target, every organisation has a part to play in reaching net zero by 2050. Alongside the obvious global benefits, seizing the net zero opportunity can unlock a number of benefits for day-to-day gains.
Benefits of a business-wide net zero strategy
Reduced costs
Net zero action future-proofs your organisation against the significant and rising costs of inaction, such as reputational damage and potential investment implications.
Governments worldwide will continue to introduce and legislate for net zero standards across industry – creating significant regulatory risk of being left behind.
Reputation enhancement
Citizens and consumers are more conscious than ever of the need for net zero action. Failing to act could alienate current and potential clients as well as partners and investors.
Competitive advantage
Net zero is fast becoming a global, cross-sector standard. Getting ahead of the curve maximises the benefits your organisation stands to garner from successful transition.
Our core organisational net zero expertise
- Building energy audits (using a fabric first approach)
- Energy efficiency feasibility studies
- Renewable energy
- PAS 2080 consultancy
- Carbon management workshops
- Carbon baselines & verification (inc. greenhouse gases)
- Net zero pathways & action plans
- Sustainable procurement
Net zero action is essential for the longevity and sustainability of your organisation. As 2050 approaches, organisations will experience increased pressure from their stakeholders, supply chain and clients to decarbonise in line with legislative and policy frameworks and industry best practice.
Elle Bartleet Carbon Consultant
How to build your organisational net zero strategy
It is critical that organisations commit to net zero and embed their approach within their business strategy whilst there is still time to act meaningfully in decarbonising their business operations. Key focus areas should include:
1. Carbon Footprint Assessment
This is necessary to understand organisational impact against climate change across scope 1, 2 and 3 emission sources.
2. Emission Hotspots
The emission sources that contribute most to the annual footprint should be identified and prioritised for potential front-loaded emission reduction.
3. Net Zero Target
It’s vital to have a visible and tangible net zero target, demonstrating the company’s commitment and position in developing sustainability.
4. Net Zero Strategy
Develop a Net Zero Strategy that details the policies and actions your business will adopt to achieve net zero, following the carbon reduction hierarchy.
5. Verification
To be credible on the net zero communication, it is essential that the targets and action plans are validated by independent third parties.
6. Communication
The Net Zero strategy should be publicly disclosed, along with the carbon footprint total that is reported on an annual basis.